The Newest News from India

Chicken lost Head

This is the last Newsletter I will be writing to you from India. I have six more days to go, before heading home. Time goes fast!


I have been to Palamaner again. I went shopping with some women from the hospital kitchen. We went to nice stores, where spices and herbs in all colors and scents were offered to customers. Then we went to buy some chicken. I thought we would go to a butchery to get some slaughtered, packaged ones, but as we approached the store, I saw only alive chicken in cages. So I thought we maybe buy some egg production plant. But then - shoopfth! A shiny stainless steel machete soared thru the air, splitting the chicken's commanding from its commanded part, spurting blood all over the palace. Kaput. Dead, but still moving! Stupid chicken, I thought, tries to flee after loosing its head. Too late. I thought I would never ever be able to eat chicken again in the whole remaining life of mine. But I have to admit, dinner was excellent that evening: Chicken Madras, especially prepared for me (I couldn't reject this offer!).



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